HAP Leadership Team
President and CEO Health Alliance Plan,
President HAP CareSource
Board of Directors
Jacalyn S. Goforth (Chair)
Retired Partner, Private Company Services Assurance Practice
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)
Jeff Chaffkin
Retired Senior Healthcare Advisor
XMS Capital Partners
Joni M.T. Davis
General Counsel and Managing Partner
Jamjomar, Inc., d/b/a McDonald's
Denise Essenberg
Retired Partner
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)
Michael Genord, M.D., MBA
Executive Vice President Henry Ford Health,
President and CEO Health Alliance Plan,
President HAP CareSource
Chuck Browning
UAW International Executive Board
Vice President and Director,
Ford Department
Christopher Stanley, MD, MBA
President, Healthy Populations
John Gorman
Nightingale Partners LLC
Gregory Jackson
Chief Executive Officer
Jackson Asset Management
Raymond C. Lopé
Wm. Sullivan & Son Funeral Homes
Adnan R. Munkarah, M.D.
Executive Vice President and Chief Clinical Officer
Henry Ford Health
Meerah Rajavel
Chief Information Officer
Palo Alto Networks
Robert G. Riney
President & CEO
Henry Ford Health
Felix Valbuena Jr., MD, FAAFP
Chief Executive Officer
Community Health and Social Services Center (CHASS)
Physician, Henry Ford Health
Margaret Kennedy
Gwen M. MacKenzie, RN, MN, MHSA
Market Executive and Senior Vice President,