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Fill prescriptions at more than 2,000 pharmacies in Michigan under Medicare Advantage Part D

Our network includes pharmacies that offer standard cost-sharing and pharmacies that offer preferred cost-sharing. You may go to either type of network pharmacy to receive your covered prescription drugs. Your cost-sharing may be less for drugs in tiers 1, 2, 3, and 4 at pharmacies with preferred cost-sharing.

Our pharmacy network includes:

  • Well-known stores like Rite Aid, Meijer, CVS and more
  • Henry Ford Medical center pharmacies
  • Home delivery and mail-order pharmacies including Pharmacy Advantage
  • Neighborhood pharmacies
  • Indian Health, Tribal and Urban pharmacies
  • Home infusion and long-term care pharmacies

When you travel, you can access over 60,000 pharmacies in the nationwide network. You can fill your prescriptions at any network pharmacy with nationwide locations such as CVS or Rite Aid.

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Except in an emergency or urgent care situation, there is no coverage for drugs purchased at a non-network pharmacy. In an emergency or urgent situation, if drugs are obtained at a non-network pharmacy, you will be responsible for costs incurred above the HAP-negotiated pharmacy rate. Quantity limitations and restrictions may apply. We cannot pay for drugs purchased outside of the United States, even for a medical emergency.

If you have limited income and resources, you may qualify for Extra Help to help you with the costs for your prescription drug coverage.

Part D benefits are provided through a network of contracted pharmacies. There are more than 2,000 pharmacies in the HAP Senior Plus® network. We meet Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) standards for access based on our service areas, as follows:

  • 100% of beneficiaries who live in rural areas have a pharmacy within a 15-mile radius
  • 100% of beneficiaries who live in suburban areas have a pharmacy within a 5-mile radius
  • 100% of beneficiaries who live in urban areas have a pharmacy within in a 2-mile radius

The pharmacy network may change at any time. You will receive notice when necessary.

Get more information about the Health Alliance Plan of Michigan and Alliance Health and Life Insurance Company contracts with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

Health Alliance Plan (HAP) has HMO, HMO-POS, PPO plans with Medicare contracts. HAP Medicare Complete Duals (HMO D-SNP) is a Medicare health plan with a Medicare contract and a contract with the Michigan Medicaid Program. Enrollment depends on contract renewals.