Monthly Premium
You must continue to pay your Medicare Part B premium. If you have a late enrollment penalty, it will still apply.
Max out of pocket
Copays (PCP/Specialist)
$0 preventive - 2 cleanings, 2 exams, 2 fluoride treatments & a set of bite-wing x-rays per year. $0 copay, no deductible, maximum benefit of $2000 per calendar year. Comprehensive dental covered 50%. Delta Dental PPO only network.
$0 routine exam. $150 yearly allowance for eyeglasses or contact lenses. 20% discount over $150 base allowance for frames, lenses, lens options. 40% discount applies on the purchase of any additional eyeglasses; must use EyeMed provider.
Hearing / Hearing Aids
$0 routine exam. Copays for hearing aids - 1 per ear/per year; must use NationsHearing.
Inpatient Hospital
$300 Days 1-5; $0 Days 6-90
Preventive Care
No copay for services considered preventive.
Outpatient Diagnostics Labs, Procedures, Tests
$0 lab tests. $0 - $200 copay depending on service.
Emergency Room / Urgent Care
$125/$45; worldwide coverage
Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy
Prepaid Benefits Mastercard
$90 per quarter for retail over-the-counter and more.
Plan Documents