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4 Top New Year’s Resolutions: How You Can Get Ahead of the Game

The new year is quickly approaching. If you’re like many of us, you may make promises to yourself by writing a list of goals for a new year. Unfortunately, statistics are not in your favor. Most people who make resolutions fall back into old habits before February. We have some articles that may help you stay on track rather than tossing out that new year resolution list come February.

Number 1Eat healthier

Eating healthier is the #1 most common new year’s resolution. Here are some of our favorite recipes for eating healthy that are also delicious. Whether you are looking to lose weight the healthy way or improve your overall wellness, these easy-to-follow recipes will help.

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A Year of Healthy Eats: Our 2018 Favorite Balanced Living Recipes

Making a meal that's tasty and nutritious doesn't have to be a challenge. Check out our collection of this year's easy recipes.


Veggie Prep Hero 300x200

Busy Week? Prep Your Veggies on the Weekend

Make it easier to get your daily allotment of vegetables with a weekend prep session.




Number 2 Get More Exercise

The second most common new year’s resolution is getting more exercise. Here are some ways to fit in a workout while having fun.

0891 Home workout POST

Stick to Your New Year’s Resolution With This Gym-Free Workout

No equipment? No problem. This gym-free workout can be done at home or on the road.


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Buddy Up: 5 Tips for Working Out with an Exercise Partner

Try our ideas to get motivated and have more fun with your workout routine.



Number 3 Focus on self-care

When you’re making your list of resolutions for the new year, don’t forget to make time for yourself. Learning how to practice mindfulness can help you cope with stressors and live a more meaningful life.

 0891 Rest POST

Four Ways to Get More Rest and Relaxation in Your Life

Your body and your mind need it – but you’re probably not getting enough of it. Here’s how to start fixing your R&R shortfall.


0891 Meditation POST


Think You Don’t Have Time to Meditate? 5 Minutes is All You Need

Take a moment to renew yourself with our guided mediation.


Number 4 Save money

They say that money doesn’t buy happiness, but managing it well makes life easier. We can help you make money management an attainable goal for a new year. Read on for easy ways to save money.

0891 Healthy Lunch POST


 Better Brown-Bagging: 6 Ways to Pack Healthy Lunches

 Whether you’re making lunch for yourself or your kids, brown-bagging it makes it easy to pack tasty lunches that can be much healthier than some other lunchtime options.


0891 Fiscal Fitness POST

Are Money Worries Making You Sick? How to Stay Financially Fit

Worrying about money can affect you in more ways than you think. Learn how HAP's partnership with GreenPath can keep you on track.

Categories: Get Healthy