Travel Worry-Free Wherever You Go with Assist America
You’re away from home and have a problem. You’re going to need a helping hand.
Assist America helps with 24/7 travel assistance. HAP members can call on Assist America when they’re traveling 100 miles or more from home, for up to 90 consecutive days per trip. Assistance includes a wide range of travel emergencies at no extra cost but you do need to call them before you use services.

At the hospital, his wife, Janet, called Assist America, whose representatives immediately consulted with Tom’s treating physicians on the island. After several days, it was determined Tom could safely travel home.
However, he had to be admitted to a rehab facility specializing in spinal care. Assist America secured a bed for Tom in a facility near his home and paid for a first-class plane ticket with a medical escort to travel with him.

HAP members, download the Assist America app and type in the secure code now – before you need it! It’ll be in the palm of your hand if you have a travel emergency. Log in to Go to Quick Links and click on Assist America. You’ll see the secure code needed to log in to the app. Categories: Get To Know Your Plan
Assist America helps with 24/7 travel assistance. HAP members can call on Assist America when they’re traveling 100 miles or more from home, for up to 90 consecutive days per trip. Assistance includes a wide range of travel emergencies at no extra cost but you do need to call them before you use services.

How Assist America works in real life
Tom and Janet were relaxing on the beach during their island vacation. Tom was in the ocean when a large wave crashed into him, knocking him unconscious. Lifeguards acted quickly to save him, but Tom suffered several injuries and was taken to a local hospital.At the hospital, his wife, Janet, called Assist America, whose representatives immediately consulted with Tom’s treating physicians on the island. After several days, it was determined Tom could safely travel home.
However, he had to be admitted to a rehab facility specializing in spinal care. Assist America secured a bed for Tom in a facility near his home and paid for a first-class plane ticket with a medical escort to travel with him.
Travel emergencies can happen anywhere, anytime. HAP and Assist America can help get you home.

HAP members, download the Assist America app and type in the secure code now – before you need it! It’ll be in the palm of your hand if you have a travel emergency. Log in to Go to Quick Links and click on Assist America. You’ll see the secure code needed to log in to the app. Categories: Get To Know Your Plan