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How HAP Makes Sure We Measure Up to Customer Needs and Expectations

It would be easy for us to say our members get quality care and service. It would be just as easy for members to ask, “According to whom?” There are many answers to that question. HAP is evaluated by several outside organizations to make sure we meet care and service standards. That’s a good thing for our members.

Who evaluates HAP?

Organizations like the National Committee for Quality Assurance and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services review HAP’s printed materials and online information. These organizations also evaluate HAP on whether our members are receiving the best care from their doctors. They use a number of tools to do this. And they measure the satisfaction level of HAP customers.

How is HAP evaluated?

These organizations visit HAP to ensure we’re following the proper procedures for managing your care. It’s also tested by talking to our customers. To find out how we’re doing, HAP or an outside organization checks in with some of our members directly. This gives our customers a chance to give their feedback on their experiences with HAP. Members may be sent a paper survey to fill out. Or they might get a phone survey with questions about their health care.

What is HAP measured on?

More than 90 percent of America’s health plans, along with HAP, use a tool to measure their performance in key areas. This tool is the Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set® – also known as HEDIS. For example, we’re measured on how many of our members get immunizations and screenings based on age. We’re also measured on how well we track prescription medication use within our membership. Because so many plans use HEDIS, we can compare our performance with other plans. This helps us see our strengths. It also shines a light on areas in which we can up our game a bit.

We’re also measured on how well we explain our products to our members and to those thinking about HAP for health care coverage.

How are HAP Medicare plans evaluated?

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services uses a star rating to measure the quality of Medicare plans. The program uses HEDIS measures and paper surveys. It places extra focus on health topics that affect older adults. Medicare plan members may be asked if their doctor has talked to them about things like fall prevention, physical activity, and bladder control.

What does HAP do to ensure great care and service?

We look closely at the health care needs of our members. We set up programs and partnerships to meet those needs. As part of HAP’s Restore program, we have nurses and other healthcare professionals to help members manage chronic illness such as asthma or diabetes. They also handle behavioral health concerns and arrange comfort and palliative care.

We also partner with organizations that specialize in meeting certain health care needs. For example:

  • Members of Medicare plans can get an in-home medical assessment from Matrix Medical.

The list goes on. And so does our pledge to giving top-notch care and service.

Talking with you so we can do more for you

If you’re a HAP member and you’re contacted by us or by one of our vendors, it’s because we have your best interest – and best health – in mind. Know we’re listening and acting on your feedback to improve your customer experience. For example:

  • When members told us our Explanation of Benefits documents can be confusing, we made a short video to help explain them.
  • When we learned a lot of members didn’t know about our money-saving HAP Member Discounts program, we made the program information easier to find on our website. We’re also talking about it more in print and in the blog you’re reading now.
  • When we surveyed readers of our Balanced Living magazine to get their thoughts on content, we took the feedback from almost 3,000 respondents to help plan our stories for future issues.

So take some time to interact with us. Your responses could lead to improvements that help you and your fellow HAP members!



Categories: Get To Know Your Plan